Prof. (Dr.) Abha Singh
Prof. (Dr.) Abha Singh
PhD, MA (Industrial Psychology), MBA (HR)
My mission of life is to help individuals to develop innate potential to achieve personal & professional excellence, happiness and holistic health.
Prof. (Dr.) Abha Singh is Sr. Expert Consultant Psychologist. She is an ex Dean Faculty of Arts, Humanities, Journalism and Communication & Social Sciences, Director Research Amity Institute of Psychology & Allied Sciences, Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida (India). Dr. Singh is Professor of Psychology and Behavioural Science. She is a gold medalist for her Doctoral research on the topic “Personal Effectiveness and Organizational Ethos as Predictor of Organizational Commitment”. Prof. Singh has more than 27 years of professional experience in teaching, training, research, psychometric testing, academic administration and approximately 50 National and International Publications as author and co-author and researches in the fields of Psychology, Management, Organisational Psychology, Behavioural Science, Positive Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Cyber Psychology, Child & Adolescence Psychology, Indigenous Psychology, Yoga and Spiritual Science. She has 8 Ph.D. scholars under her supervision in the area of Organisational Psychology, Positive Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Cyber Psychology, Child & Adolescence Psychology, Indigenous Psychology, Yoga and Spiritual Psychology and five Ph.D. degrees awarded. She has also authored books on title “Behavioural Science-Achieving Behavioural Excellence for Success”(Wiley Publication) and “Human Values: Psychological Perspective”. She is a member of American Psychological Association, APA No. 5191896, Washington D.C. Her name appears as Educationist and Psychologist in Indo-American `Who’s Who’ (page 545, Vol. III). She has been Honoured with “Ambassador for Peace Award” at the International Leadership Conference, Seoul Korea in October, 2007 by “Universal Peace Federation” (An NGO in Consultative Status in the Social & Economic Council of UN). Recently she was awarded with “Peace Maker Award, 2017” on the occasion of International Peace Day on 21st September, 2017 by Global Peace & Prosperity Initiative, USA.
She is a trained Professional Psychologist and has conducted more than 120 Behavioural Skills Training Programmes for 6,000 people in the area of Self Awareness, Self Development & Empowerment, Positive Attitude, Conflict Management, Leadership, Personality Enhancement, Interpersonal Skills, Effective Communication skills, Emotional Intelligence, Building Assertiveness, Stress Management, Team Building, Parenting Skills, Women Empowerment, Gender Sensitivity, Psychometric Testing, Positive Schooling, Spirituality & Holistic Health etc. for companies like IBM, HP, Motherson, GAIL, NTPC, Indian Airlines, Engineers India Limited, NHPC and Institutes like UP Academy of Administration Nainital, Postal Staff College, CRPF, Delhi & Rajasthan Police, ITBP, DGR, SSB, Training, Schools, Colleges/ University etc. Conducted Training Programmes for approx. 52,415 Police Personnel for Behavioural Skills and Personality Enhancement Programme for Delhi, UP & Rajasthan Police comprising of newly recruits of Police Training College. She authored Rajasthan Police Training Booklet – Manual on ‘Personality Enhancement Programme’. Prepared Behavioural Skills Training Booklet for GAIL on ‘Effective Habits of Managers’ and on ‘Effective Communication Skills’.
She has provided voluntary consultancy services for finalization and ratification of testing procedures for induction of commandos in National Security Guards (NSG). She has also provided consultancy on Psychometric Tests for the selection of candidates for Assistant Divisional Manager and Regional Sales Trainer for prestigious companies. She is annually conducting Career Testing Project and has conducted for more than 6000 Class Xth Students of Amity International School (Delhi & NCR) since 2011 to till date. Her journey of Academics Training & Research Endeavors Continues
Some of her latest published work is mentioned below:-
- Pallavi Neogy, Abha Singh (2022) Emotional and Cognitive Attributes as an Indicator of Sustainable Well-Being. Universities as living labs of sustainability, Bloomsbury publisher (2022).
- Kulpreet Kaur, Rita Kumar, Abha Singh &Navin Kumar.( 2021) Evidence of shabad kirtan meditation practice to enrich wisdom. Turkish Journal Of Physiotheraphy and Rehablitation.32(2)
- Kulpreet Kaur, Rita Kumar, Abha Singh &Navin Kumar( 2021) Yoga Nidra’s efficacy on enhancing Wisdom. Psychology & Education , (2021) 58(2): 10140-10148, ISSN: 00333O77
- Tarun Jain, Ritu Sharma,Abha Singh & Karuna Mehta.(2020) Mental toughness in elite athelets. Psychometric validation of the psychological performance inventory.
- Priya Sharma & Abha Singh.(2020) Brainwaves as markers of intelligence quotient and spiritual intelligence. International Journal of Indian Psychology. Volume 8, Issue 3,ISSN 2348 5396 (Online)| ISSN: 2349 3429 (Print)
- Sampurna Baruah, Abha Singh & Anuradha Sharma. (2019). Parental competency as a predictor of children classroom achievement and prosocial behavior. International Journal of Social Sciences. Volume 7, Issue , ISSN:2347-3797
- Tarun Jain, Ritu Sharma & Abha Singh. (2019). Evaluation of Levels of Gunas in Indian Athletes using Prakriti concept. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development.
- Case Study on the topic “B-ABLE: LOCALLY-RELEVANT SKILLS DELIVERY WITH DOMESTEQ AND EYE MITRA” published in UNDP, -2018 September.
- Pratibha Dabas & Abha Singh (2018) Bhagavad Gita teachings and positive psychology: Efficacy for semi-urban Indian students of NCR, Cogent Psychology, 5:1, DOI: 10.1080/23311908.2018.1467255
- Chamoli, Deepika; Kumar, Rita; Singh, Abha; Kobrin, Neil (2017) The Effect of Mantra Chanting on the Performance IQ of Children. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology.
- Deepika Chamoli, Rita Kumar & Abha Singh (2016) Standardization and validation of formulated tongue twister for cognitive research with phonological speech errors. EPRA International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (IJMR).
- S Sharma, A Singh, S Mehrotra (2016), Sattva Guna as a Predictor of Wisdom and
PWB, International Journal of Indian Psychology, Volume 3, Issue 4, No. 75, ISSN:2348-5396 (e), ISSN:2349-3429 (p), DIP:18.01.054/20160304, ISBN:978-1- 365-50727-4
- Pratibha Dabas & Abha Singh (2016) The Bhagavad Gita teachings for promoting resilience and optimism among school children: A narrative Overview. Indian Journal of Positive Psychology. •
Some Relevant information
Provided Voluntary Consultancy Services for finalization and ratification of testing procedure for induction of commandos in National Security Guards (NSG).GOI,Jan’2018
- Member Expert of the Assessment Board of DRDO
- Expert in the selection committee of appointment of Assistant professor./adhoc/guest in the Department of Applied Psychology, DU March 2019
- Funded Research Project Completed and Submitted on the topic ‘’Development of an Instrument for “Performance Appraisal of the Police Personnel” on 23rd Aug, 2011 to Bureau of Police Research & Development(BPR&D),GOI.
- Nominated as Research Coordinator for the Research Project “Management of Stress in Police Forces/CAFs” appointed by the Standing Committee on Police Research (BPR&D), Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI.
- Funded Research Project Completed and Submitted on the topic Project “Emotional Expression as a Predictor of Psychological Well Being: A study on NCR (National Capital Region) University Students” to Indian Council for Social Sciences Research (ICSSR) on 13th Aug, 2015
- International collaborative Research Project with Queensland University, Australia on “Triple P Program” (Positive Parenting Program) to study on Indian parents and findings are going to be jointly published in relevant highly indexed quality journal, 2018